# ToggleSwitch WinForms Control A ToggleSwitch that presents on/off values in a more interesting way than a standard CheckBox, created by ![Johnny J](https://www.codeproject.com/script/Membership/View.aspx?mid=926948), published as article in Code Project - ![ToggleSwitch WinForms Control](https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1029499/ToggleSwitch-Winforms-Control) on 11 Sept 2015. ## License ![The Code Project Open License (CPOL)](LICENSE) ## Revision History #### Version 1.1 (2019-02-20) NEW: BeforeRendering event added to make it easier to customize the renderer properties NEW: Style and Renderer added: PlainAndSimple UPDATED: Demo app updated with the new features #### Version 1.0 (2015-09-11) Initial Release