#region Apache License 2.0 /* Nuclex .NET Framework Copyright (C) 2002-2024 Markus Ewald / Nuclex Development Labs Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #endregion // Apache License 2.0 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using NUnit.Framework; using Moq; namespace Nuclex.Support.Collections { /// Unit Test for the observable collection class [TestFixture] internal class ObservableCollectionTest { #region interface IObservableCollectionSubscriber /// Interface used to test the observable collection public interface IObservableCollectionSubscriber { /// Called when the collection is about to clear its contents /// Collection that is clearing its contents /// Not used void Clearing(object sender, EventArgs arguments); /// Called when the collection has been cleared of its contents /// Collection that was cleared of its contents /// Not used void Cleared(object sender, EventArgs arguments); /// Called when an item is added to the collection /// Collection to which an item is being added /// Contains the item that is being added void ItemAdded(object sender, ItemEventArgs arguments); /// Called when an item is removed from the collection /// Collection from which an item is being removed /// Contains the item that is being removed void ItemRemoved(object sender, ItemEventArgs arguments); } #endregion // interface IObservableCollectionSubscriber /// Initialization routine executed before each test is run [SetUp] public void Setup() { this.mockedSubscriber = new Mock(); this.observedCollection = new ObservableCollection(); this.observedCollection.Clearing += new EventHandler( this.mockedSubscriber.Object.Clearing ); this.observedCollection.Cleared += new EventHandler( this.mockedSubscriber.Object.Cleared ); this.observedCollection.ItemAdded += new EventHandler>( this.mockedSubscriber.Object.ItemAdded ); this.observedCollection.ItemRemoved += new EventHandler>( this.mockedSubscriber.Object.ItemRemoved ); } /// Tests whether the Clearing event is fired [Test] public void TestClearingEvent() { this.observedCollection.Clear(); this.mockedSubscriber.Verify(c => c.Clearing(null, null), Times.Once); this.mockedSubscriber.Verify(c => c.Cleared(null, null), Times.Once); } /* /// Tests whether the ItemAdded event is fired [Test] public void TestItemAddedEvent() { this.mockedSubscriber.Expects.One.Method(m => m.ItemAdded(null, null)).WithAnyArguments(); this.observedCollection.Add(123); this.mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); } /// Tests whether the ItemRemoved event is fired [Test] public void TestItemRemovedEvent() { this.mockedSubscriber.Expects.One.Method(m => m.ItemAdded(null, null)).WithAnyArguments(); this.observedCollection.Add(123); this.mockedSubscriber.Expects.One.Method(m => m.ItemRemoved(null, null)).WithAnyArguments(); this.observedCollection.Remove(123); this.mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); } /// Tests whether a the list constructor is working [Test] public void TestListConstructor() { int[] integers = new int[] { 12, 34, 56, 78 }; var testCollection = new ObservableCollection(integers); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(integers, testCollection); } */ /// The mocked observable collection subscriber private Mock mockedSubscriber; /// An observable collection to which a mock will be subscribed private ObservableCollection observedCollection; } } // namespace Nuclex.Support.Collections