#region CPL License /* Nuclex Framework Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Nuclex Development Labs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the IBM Common Public License as published by the IBM Corporation; either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the IBM Common Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the IBM Common Public License along with this library */ #endregion #if UNITTEST using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Nuclex.Support.Settings { /// Unit tests for the configuration file store [TestFixture] internal class ConfigurationFileStoreTest { /// /// Verifies that loading an empty file doesn't lead to an exception /// [Test] public void CanParseEmptyFile() { Assert.That(() => load(string.Empty), Throws.Nothing); } /// /// Verifies that categories can be parsed from a configuration file /// [Test] public void CanParseCategories() { string[] categoryNames = new string[] { "Category1", "Category 2" }; string fileContents = "[" + categoryNames[0] + "]\r\n" + " [ " + categoryNames[1] + " ] \r\n"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.EquivalentTo(categoryNames)); } /// /// Verifies that malformed categories can be handled by the parser /// [Test] public void MalformedCategoriesAreIgnored() { string fileContents = "[ Not a category\r\n" + " ["; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that empty lines in the configuration file have no meaning /// [Test] public void EmptyLinesAreSkipped() { string fileContents = "\r\n" + " "; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that category definitions after a comment sign are ignored /// [Test] public void CommentedOutCategoriesAreIgnored() { string fileContents = "#[NotACategory]\r\n" + "; [ Also Not A Category ]\r\n"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that assignments without an option name are ignored by the parser /// [Test] public void NamelessAssignmentsAreIgnored() { string fileContents = "=\r\n" + " = \r\n" + " = hello"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.Empty); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateOptions(), Is.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that assignments without an option name are ignored by the parser /// [Test] public void OptionsCanHaveEmptyValues() { string fileContents = "a =\r\n" + "b = \r\n" + "c = ; hello"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.Empty); var options = new List(configurationFile.EnumerateOptions()); Assert.That(options.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); for(int index = 0; index < options.Count; ++index) { Assert.That( configurationFile.Get(null, options[index].Name), Is.Null.Or.Empty ); } } /// /// Verifies that values assigned to options can contain space charcters /// [Test] public void OptionValuesCanContainSpaces() { string fileContents = "test = hello world"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("hello world")); } /// /// Verifies that values enclosed in quotes can embed comment characters /// [Test] public void OptionValuesWithQuotesCanEmbedComments() { string fileContents = "test = \"This ; is # not a comment\" # but this is"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That( configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("\"This ; is # not a comment\"") ); } /// /// Verifies that values can end on a quote without causing trouble /// [Test] public void CommentsCanEndWithAQuote() { string fileContents = "test = \"This value ends with a quote\""; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That( configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("\"This value ends with a quote\"") ); } /// /// Verifies that values can forget the closing quote without causing trouble /// [Test] public void ClosingQuoteCanBeOmmitted() { string fileContents = "test = \"No closing quote"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That( configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("\"No closing quote") ); } /// /// Verifies that text placed after the closing quote will also be part of /// an option's value /// [Test] public void TextAfterClosingQuoteBecomesPartOfValue() { string fileContents = "test = \"Begins here\" end ends here"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That( configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("\"Begins here\" end ends here") ); } /// /// Verifies that text placed after the closing quote will also be part of /// an option's value /// [Test] public void OptionValuesCanBeChanged() { string fileContents = "test = 123 ; comment"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", "hello world"); Assert.That( save(configurationFile), Contains.Substring("hello world").And.ContainsSubstring("comment") ); } /// /// Verifies that options can be added to the configuration file /// [Test] public void OptionsCanBeAdded() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", "123"); Assert.That(configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.EqualTo("123")); } /// /// Verifies that options can be added to the configuration file /// [Test] public void CategoriesCanBeAdded() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); configurationFile.Set("general", "sol", "42"); Assert.That( configurationFile.EnumerateCategories(), Is.EquivalentTo(new string[] { "general" }) ); Assert.That(save(configurationFile), Contains.Substring("[general]")); } /// /// Verifies that accessing an option that doesn't exist throws an exception /// [Test] public void AccessingNonExistingOptionThrowsException() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); Assert.That( () => configurationFile.Get(null, "doesn't exist"), Throws.Exception.AssignableTo() ); } /// /// Verifies that accessing a category that doesn't exist throws an exception /// [Test] public void AccessingNonExistingCategoryThrowsException() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", "123"); Assert.That( () => configurationFile.Get("doesn't exist", "test"), Throws.Exception.AssignableTo() ); } /// /// Verifies that it's possible to enumerate a category that doesn't exist /// [Test] public void NonExistingCategoryCanBeEnumerated() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); Assert.That(configurationFile.EnumerateOptions("doesn't exist"), Is.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that it's possible to create an option without a value /// [Test] public void ValuelessOptionsCanBeCreated() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", null); Assert.That(configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.Null.Or.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that it's possible to assign an empty value to an option /// [Test] public void OptionValueCanBeCleared() { string fileContents = "test = 123 ; comment"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", null); Assert.That(configurationFile.Get(null, "test"), Is.Null.Or.Empty); } /// /// Verifies that it's possible to assign an empty value to an option /// [Test] public void OptionsCanBeRemoved() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); configurationFile.Set(null, "test", null); Assert.That(configurationFile.Remove(null, "test"), Is.True); } /// /// Verifies that it's possible to assign an empty value to an option /// [Test] public void RemovingOptionShiftsFollowingOptionsUp() { string fileContents = "first = 1\r\n" + "second = 2"; ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(fileContents); Assert.That(configurationFile.Remove(null, "first"), Is.True); configurationFile.Set(null, "second", "yay! first!"); Assert.That(save(configurationFile), Has.No.ContainsSubstring("1")); Assert.That(save(configurationFile), Contains.Substring("second")); Assert.That(save(configurationFile), Contains.Substring("yay! first!")); } /// /// Verifies that it's not an error to remove an option from a non-existing category /// [Test] public void CanRemoveOptionFromNonExistingCategory() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); Assert.That(configurationFile.Remove("nothing", "first"), Is.False); } /// /// Verifies that it's not an error to remove a non-existing option /// [Test] public void CanRemoveNonExistingOption() { var configurationFile = new ConfigurationFileStore(); Assert.That(configurationFile.Remove(null, "first"), Is.False); } /// /// Verifies that it's not an error to remove a non-existing option /// [ Test, TestCase("text = world", typeof(string)), TestCase("short=9", typeof(int)), TestCase("integer = 123", typeof(int)), TestCase("integer = 123 ", typeof(int)), TestCase("float = 123.45", typeof(float)), TestCase("float = 123.45 ", typeof(float)), TestCase("boolean = true", typeof(bool)), TestCase("boolean = false", typeof(bool)), TestCase("boolean = yes", typeof(bool)), TestCase("boolean = no", typeof(bool)) ] public void OptionTypeCanBeIdentified(string assignment, Type expectedType) { ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile = load(assignment); OptionInfo info; using( IEnumerator enumerator = configurationFile.EnumerateOptions().GetEnumerator() ) { Assert.That(enumerator.MoveNext(), Is.True); info = enumerator.Current; Assert.That(enumerator.MoveNext(), Is.False); } Assert.That(info.OptionType, Is.EqualTo(expectedType)); } /// Loads a configuration file from a string /// Contents of the configuration file /// The configuration file loaded from the string private static ConfigurationFileStore load(string fileContents) { using(var reader = new StringReader(fileContents)) { return ConfigurationFileStore.Parse(reader); } } /// Saves a configuration file into a string /// Configuration file that will be saved /// Contents of the configuration file private static string save(ConfigurationFileStore configurationFile) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); using(var writer = new StringWriter(builder)) { configurationFile.Save(writer); writer.Flush(); } return builder.ToString(); } } } // namespace Nuclex.Support.Settings #endif // UNITTEST