#region CPL License /* Nuclex Framework Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Nuclex Development Labs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the IBM Common Public License as published by the IBM Corporation; either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the IBM Common Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the IBM Common Public License along with this library */ #endregion #if !(XBOX360 || WINDOWS_PHONE) using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; namespace Nuclex.Support.Cloning { partial class ExpressionTreeCloner : ICloneFactory { /// Compiles a method that creates a deep clone of an object /// Type for which a clone method will be created /// A method that clones an object of the provided type /// /// /// The 'null' check is supposed to take place before running the cloner. This /// avoids having redundant 'null' checks on nested types - first before calling /// GetType() on the field to be cloned and second when runner the matching /// cloner for the field. /// /// /// This design also enables the cloning of nested value types (which can never /// be null) without any null check whatsoever. /// /// private static Func createDeepFieldBasedCloner(Type clonedType) { ParameterExpression original = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "original"); var transferExpressions = new List(); var variables = new List(); if(clonedType.IsPrimitive || (clonedType == typeof(string))) { // Primitives and strings are copied on direct assignment transferExpressions.Add(original); } else if(clonedType.IsArray) { // Arrays need to be cloned element-by-element Type elementType = clonedType.GetElementType(); if(elementType.IsPrimitive || (elementType == typeof(string))) { // For primitive arrays, the Array.Clone() method is sufficient transferExpressions.Add( generatePrimitiveArrayTransferExpressions( clonedType, original, variables, transferExpressions ) ); } else { // To access the fields of the original type, we need it to be of the actual // type instead of an object, so perform a downcast ParameterExpression typedOriginal = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(typedOriginal); transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(typedOriginal, Expression.Convert(original, clonedType)) ); // Arrays of complex types require manual cloning transferExpressions.Add( generateComplexArrayTransferExpressions( clonedType, typedOriginal, variables, transferExpressions ) ); } } else { // We need a variable to hold the clone because due to the assignments it // won't be last in the block when we're finished ParameterExpression clone = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(clone); // Give it a new instance of the type being cloned transferExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(clone, Expression.New(clonedType))); // To access the fields of the original type, we need it to be of the actual // type instead of an object, so perform a downcast ParameterExpression typedOriginal = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(typedOriginal); transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(typedOriginal, Expression.Convert(original, clonedType)) ); // Generate the expressions required to transfer the type field by field generateComplexTypeTransferExpressions( clonedType, typedOriginal, clone, variables, transferExpressions ); // Make sure the clone is the last thing in the block to set the return value transferExpressions.Add(clone); } // Turn all transfer expressions into a single block if necessary Expression resultExpression; if((transferExpressions.Count == 1) && (variables.Count == 0)) { resultExpression = transferExpressions[0]; } else { resultExpression = Expression.Block(variables, transferExpressions); } // Value types require manual boxing if(clonedType.IsValueType) { resultExpression = Expression.Convert(resultExpression, typeof(object)); } return Expression.Lambda>(resultExpression, original).Compile(); } /// Compiles a method that creates a shallow clone of an object /// Type for which a clone method will be created /// A method that clones an object of the provided type private static Func createShallowFieldBasedCloner(Type clonedType) { ParameterExpression original = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "original"); var transferExpressions = new List(); var variables = new List(); if(clonedType.IsPrimitive || clonedType.IsValueType || (clonedType == typeof(string))) { // Primitives and strings are copied on direct assignment transferExpressions.Add(original); } else if(clonedType.IsArray) { transferExpressions.Add( generatePrimitiveArrayTransferExpressions( clonedType, original, variables, transferExpressions ) ); } else { // We need a variable to hold the clone because due to the assignments it // won't be last in the block when we're finished ParameterExpression clone = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(clone); // To access the fields of the original type, we need it to be of the actual // type instead of an object, so perform a downcast ParameterExpression typedOriginal = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(typedOriginal); transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(typedOriginal, Expression.Convert(original, clonedType)) ); // Give it a new instance of the type being cloned transferExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(clone, Expression.New(clonedType))); // Enumerate all of the type's fields and generate transfer expressions for each FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = clonedType.GetFields( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy ); for(int index = 0; index < fieldInfos.Length; ++index) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos[index]; transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( Expression.Field(clone, fieldInfo), Expression.Field(typedOriginal, fieldInfo) ) ); } // Make sure the clone is the last thing in the block to set the return value transferExpressions.Add(clone); } // Turn all transfer expressions into a single block if necessary Expression resultExpression; if((transferExpressions.Count == 1) && (variables.Count == 0)) { resultExpression = transferExpressions[0]; } else { resultExpression = Expression.Block(variables, transferExpressions); } // Value types require manual boxing if(clonedType.IsValueType) { resultExpression = Expression.Convert(resultExpression, typeof(object)); } return Expression.Lambda>(resultExpression, original).Compile(); } /// /// Generates state transfer expressions to copy an array of primitive types /// /// Type of array that will be cloned /// Variable expression for the original array /// Receives variables used by the transfer expressions /// Receives the generated transfer expressions /// The variable holding the cloned array private static Expression generatePrimitiveArrayTransferExpressions( Type clonedType, Expression original, ICollection variables, ICollection transferExpressions ) { MethodInfo arrayCloneMethodInfo = typeof(Array).GetMethod("Clone"); return Expression.Convert( Expression.Call( Expression.Convert(original, typeof(Array)), arrayCloneMethodInfo ), clonedType ); } /// /// Generates state transfer expressions to copy an array of complex types /// /// Type of array that will be cloned /// Variable expression for the original array /// Receives variables used by the transfer expressions /// Receives the generated transfer expressions /// The variable holding the cloned array private static ParameterExpression generateComplexArrayTransferExpressions( Type clonedType, Expression original, IList variables, ICollection transferExpressions ) { // We need a temporary variable in order to transfer the elements of the array ParameterExpression clone = Expression.Variable(clonedType); variables.Add(clone); int dimensionCount = clonedType.GetArrayRank(); int baseVariableIndex = variables.Count; Type elementType = clonedType.GetElementType(); var lengths = new List(); var indexes = new List(); var labels = new List(); // Retrieve the length of each of the array's dimensions MethodInfo arrayGetLengthMethodInfo = typeof(Array).GetMethod("GetLength"); for(int index = 0; index < dimensionCount; ++index) { // Obtain the length of the array in the current dimension lengths.Add(Expression.Variable(typeof(int))); variables.Add(lengths[index]); transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( lengths[index], Expression.Call( original, arrayGetLengthMethodInfo, Expression.Constant(index) ) ) ); // Set up a variable to index the array in this dimension indexes.Add(Expression.Variable(typeof(int))); variables.Add(indexes[index]); // Also set up a label than can be used to break out of the dimension's // transfer loop labels.Add(Expression.Label()); } // Create a new (empty) array with the same dimensions and lengths as the original transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(clone, Expression.NewArrayBounds(elementType, lengths)) ); // Initialize the indexer of the outer loop (indexers are initialized one up // in the loops (ie. before the loop using it begins), so we have to set this // one outside of the loop building code. transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(indexes[0], Expression.Constant(0)) ); // We use a temporary variable to store the element ParameterExpression element = Expression.Variable(elementType); variables.Add(element); // Build the nested loops (one for each dimension) from the inside out Expression innerLoop = null; for(int index = dimensionCount - 1; index >= 0; --index) { var loopVariables = new List(); var loopExpressions = new List(); // If we reached the end of the current array dimension, break the loop loopExpressions.Add( Expression.IfThen( Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(indexes[index], lengths[index]), Expression.Break(labels[index]) ) ); if(innerLoop == null) { // The innermost loop clones an actual array element if(elementType.IsPrimitive || (elementType == typeof(string))) { // Primitive array elements can be copied by simple assignment. This case // should not occur since Array.Clone() should be used instead. loopExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( Expression.ArrayAccess(clone, indexes), Expression.ArrayAccess(original, indexes) ) ); } else if(elementType.IsValueType) { // Arrays of complex value types can be transferred by assigning all fields // of the source array element to the destination array element (cloning // any nested reference types appropriately) generateComplexTypeTransferExpressions( elementType, Expression.ArrayAccess(original, indexes), Expression.ArrayAccess(clone, indexes), variables, loopExpressions ); } else { // Arrays of reference types need to be cloned by creating a new instance // of the reference type and then transferring the fields over ParameterExpression originalElement = Expression.Variable(elementType); loopVariables.Add(originalElement); loopExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(originalElement, Expression.ArrayAccess(original, indexes)) ); var nestedVariables = new List(); var nestedTransferExpressions = new List(); // A nested array should be cloned by directly creating a new array (not invoking // a cloner) since you cannot derive from an array if(elementType.IsArray) { Expression clonedElement; Type nestedElementType = elementType.GetElementType(); if(nestedElementType.IsPrimitive || (nestedElementType == typeof(string))) { clonedElement = generatePrimitiveArrayTransferExpressions( elementType, originalElement, nestedVariables, nestedTransferExpressions ); } else { clonedElement = generateComplexArrayTransferExpressions( elementType, originalElement, nestedVariables, nestedTransferExpressions ); } nestedTransferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(Expression.ArrayAccess(clone, indexes), clonedElement) ); } else { // Complex types are cloned by checking their actual, concrete type (fields // may be typed to an interface or base class) and requesting a cloner for that // type during runtime MethodInfo getOrCreateClonerMethodInfo = typeof(ExpressionTreeCloner).GetMethod( "getOrCreateDeepFieldBasedCloner", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ); MethodInfo getTypeMethodInfo = typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"); MethodInfo invokeMethodInfo = typeof(Func).GetMethod("Invoke"); // Generate expressions to do this: // clone.SomeField = getOrCreateDeepFieldBasedCloner( // original.SomeField.GetType() // ).Invoke(original.SomeField); nestedTransferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( Expression.ArrayAccess(clone, indexes), Expression.Convert( Expression.Call( Expression.Call( getOrCreateClonerMethodInfo, Expression.Call(originalElement, getTypeMethodInfo) ), invokeMethodInfo, originalElement ), elementType ) ) ); } // Whether array-in-array of reference-type-in-array, we need a null check before // doing anything to avoid NullReferenceExceptions for unset members loopExpressions.Add( Expression.IfThen( Expression.NotEqual(originalElement, Expression.Constant(null)), Expression.Block( nestedVariables, nestedTransferExpressions ) ) ); } } else { // Outer loops of any level just reset the inner loop's indexer and execute // the inner loop loopExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(indexes[index + 1], Expression.Constant(0)) ); loopExpressions.Add(innerLoop); } // Each time we executed the loop instructions, increment the indexer loopExpressions.Add(Expression.PreIncrementAssign(indexes[index])); // Build the loop using the expressions recorded above innerLoop = Expression.Loop( Expression.Block(loopVariables, loopExpressions), labels[index] ); } // After the loop builder has finished, the innerLoop variable contains // the entire hierarchy of nested loops, so add this to the clone expressions. transferExpressions.Add(innerLoop); return clone; } /// Generates state transfer expressions to copy a complex type /// Complex type that will be cloned /// Variable expression for the original instance /// Variable expression for the cloned instance /// Receives variables used by the transfer expressions /// Receives the generated transfer expressions private static void generateComplexTypeTransferExpressions( Type clonedType, // Actual, concrete type (not declared type) Expression original, // Expected to be an object Expression clone, // As actual, concrete type IList variables, ICollection transferExpressions ) { // Enumerate all of the type's fields and generate transfer expressions for each FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = clonedType.GetFields( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy ); for(int index = 0; index < fieldInfos.Length; ++index) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos[index]; Type fieldType = fieldInfo.FieldType; if(fieldType.IsPrimitive || (fieldType == typeof(string))) { // Primitive types and strings can be transferred by simple assignment transferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( Expression.Field(clone, fieldInfo), Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo) ) ); } else if(fieldType.IsValueType) { // A nested value type is part of the parent and will have its fields directly // assigned without boxing, new instance creation or anything like that. generateComplexTypeTransferExpressions( fieldType, Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo), Expression.Field(clone, fieldInfo), variables, transferExpressions ); } else { generateReferenceTypeTransferExpressions( original, clone, transferExpressions, fieldInfo, fieldType ); } } } /// /// Generates the expressions to transfer a reference type (array or class) /// /// Original value that will be cloned /// Variable that will receive the cloned value /// /// Receives the expression generated to transfer the values /// /// Reflection informations about the field being cloned /// Type of the field being cloned private static void generateReferenceTypeTransferExpressions( Expression original, Expression clone, ICollection transferExpressions, FieldInfo fieldInfo, Type fieldType ) { // Reference types and arrays require special care because they can be null, // so gather the transfer expressions in a separate block for the null check var fieldTransferExpressions = new List(); var fieldVariables = new List(); if(fieldType.IsArray) { // Arrays need to be cloned element-by-element Expression fieldClone; Type elementType = fieldType.GetElementType(); if(elementType.IsPrimitive || (elementType == typeof(string))) { // For primitive arrays, the Array.Clone() method is sufficient fieldClone = generatePrimitiveArrayTransferExpressions( fieldType, Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo), fieldVariables, fieldTransferExpressions ); } else { // Arrays of complex types require manual cloning fieldClone = generateComplexArrayTransferExpressions( fieldType, Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo), fieldVariables, fieldTransferExpressions ); } // Add the assignment to the transfer expressions. The array transfer expression // generator will either have set up a temporary variable to hold the array or // returned the conversion expression straight away fieldTransferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign(Expression.Field(clone, fieldInfo), fieldClone) ); } else { // Complex types are cloned by checking their actual, concrete type (fields // may be typed to an interface or base class) and requesting a cloner for that // type during runtime MethodInfo getOrCreateClonerMethodInfo = typeof(ExpressionTreeCloner).GetMethod( "getOrCreateDeepFieldBasedCloner", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ); MethodInfo getTypeMethodInfo = typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"); MethodInfo invokeMethodInfo = typeof(Func).GetMethod("Invoke"); // Generate expressions to do this: // clone.SomeField = getOrCreateDeepFieldBasedCloner( // original.SomeField.GetType() // ).Invoke(original.SomeField); fieldTransferExpressions.Add( Expression.Assign( Expression.Field(clone, fieldInfo), Expression.Convert( Expression.Call( Expression.Call( getOrCreateClonerMethodInfo, Expression.Call( Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo), getTypeMethodInfo ) ), invokeMethodInfo, Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo) ), fieldType ) ) ); } // Wrap up the generated array or complex reference type transfer expressions // in a null check so the field is skipped if it is not holding an instance. transferExpressions.Add( Expression.IfThen( Expression.NotEqual( Expression.Field(original, fieldInfo), Expression.Constant(null) ), Expression.Block(fieldVariables, fieldTransferExpressions) ) ); } } } // namespace Nuclex.Support.Cloning #endif // !(XBOX360 || WINDOWS_PHONE)