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#region Apache License 2.0
Nuclex .NET Framework
Copyright (C) 2002-2024 Markus Ewald / Nuclex Development Labs
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#endregion // Apache License 2.0
using System;
using System.IO;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Nuclex.Support {
/// <summary>Unit Test for the string segment class</summary>
internal class StringSegmentTest {
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the default constructor of the StringSegment class throws the
/// right exception when being passed 'null' instead of a string
/// </summary>
public void SimpleConstructorThrowsWhenStringIsNull() {
delegate() { new StringSegment(null); }
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the simple constructor of the StringSegment class accepts
/// an empty string
/// </summary>
public void SimpleConstructorAcceptsEmptyString() {
new StringSegment(string.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the full constructor of the StringSegment class throws the
/// right exception when being passed 'null' instead of a string
/// </summary>
public void ConstructorThrowsWhenStringIsNull() {
delegate() { new StringSegment(null, 0, 0); }
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the full constructor of the StringSegment class accepts
/// an empty string
/// </summary>
public void ConstructorAcceptsEmptyString() {
new StringSegment(string.Empty, 0, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the full constructor of the StringSegment class throws the
/// right exception when being passed an invalid start offset
/// </summary>
public void ConstructorThrowsOnInvalidOffset() {
delegate() { new StringSegment(string.Empty, -1, 0); }
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the full constructor of the StringSegment class throws the
/// right exception when being passed an invalid string length
/// </summary>
public void ConstructorThrowsOnInvalidLength() {
delegate() { new StringSegment(string.Empty, 0, -1); }
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether the full constructor of the StringSegment class throws the
/// right exception when being passed a string length that's too large
/// </summary>
public void ConstructorThrowsOnLengthOverrun() {
delegate() { new StringSegment("hello", 3, 3); }
/// <summary>Tests whether the 'Text' property works as expected</summary>
public void TextPropertyStoresOriginalString() {
StringSegment testSegment = new StringSegment("hello", 1, 3);
Assert.AreEqual("hello", testSegment.Text);
/// <summary>Tests whether the 'Offset' property works as expected</summary>
public void OffsetPropertyIsStored() {
StringSegment testSegment = new StringSegment("hello", 1, 3);
Assert.AreEqual(1, testSegment.Offset);
/// <summary>Tests whether the 'Count' property works as expected</summary>
public void CountPropertyIsStored() {
StringSegment testSegment = new StringSegment("hello", 1, 3);
Assert.AreEqual(3, testSegment.Count);
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether two differing instances produce different hash codes
/// </summary>
public void DifferentInstancesHaveDifferentHashCodes_Usually() {
StringSegment helloWorldSegment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment howAreYouSegment = new StringSegment("how are you", 1, 9);
helloWorldSegment.GetHashCode(), howAreYouSegment.GetHashCode()
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether two equivalent instances produce an identical hash code
/// </summary>
public void EquivalentInstancesHaveSameHashcode() {
StringSegment helloWorld1Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment helloWorld2Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
helloWorld1Segment.GetHashCode(), helloWorld2Segment.GetHashCode()
/// <summary>Tests the equals method performing a comparison against null</summary>
public void EqualsAgainstNullIsAlwaysFalse() {
StringSegment helloWorldSegment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
/// <summary>Tests the equality operator with differing instances</summary>
public void DifferingInstancesAreNotEqual() {
StringSegment helloWorldSegment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment howAreYouSegment = new StringSegment("how are you", 1, 9);
Assert.IsFalse(helloWorldSegment == howAreYouSegment);
/// <summary>Tests the equality operator with equivalent instances</summary>
public void EquivalentInstancesAreEqual() {
StringSegment helloWorld1Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment helloWorld2Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
Assert.IsTrue(helloWorld1Segment == helloWorld2Segment);
/// <summary>Tests the inequality operator with differing instances</summary>
public void DifferingInstancesAreUnequal() {
StringSegment helloWorldSegment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment howAreYouSegment = new StringSegment("how are you", 1, 9);
Assert.IsTrue(helloWorldSegment != howAreYouSegment);
/// <summary>Tests the inequality operator with equivalent instances</summary>
public void EquivalentInstancesAreNotUnequal() {
StringSegment helloWorld1Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
StringSegment helloWorld2Segment = new StringSegment("hello world", 2, 7);
Assert.IsFalse(helloWorld1Segment != helloWorld2Segment);
/// <summary>Tests the ToString() method of the string segment</summary>
public void TestToString() {
StringSegment helloWorldSegment = new StringSegment("hello world", 4, 3);
Assert.AreEqual("o w", helloWorldSegment.ToString());
} // namespace Nuclex.Support